Thursday, June 10, 2010

90% Mental

It has been said that being successful is 90% mental. I enjoy playing golf. I remember going through a slump one time where every shot I hit went right. I tried changing my stance, my grip, and sometimes even a different ball. Nothing seemed to fix my slice. Finally, one day after hitting about a hundred balls on the driving range, an older man who I later found out was a golfing instructor, noticed my frustration. He came over and said, "I don't mean to intrude, but I couldn't help but notice that you are a bit frustrated with your golf swing." He proceeded to tell me that I was THINKING TOO MUCH about what was wrong and what I needed to do to change it. He instructed me to close my eyes and think about the next shot. He told me to envision, swinging the club, making contact, and seeing the ball go where I wanted it to go. After doing so, he again instructed me to step up and hit the shot.
It was unbelievable. I hit one of the best shots I had ever hit in my life. He just smiled and told me. Golf is 90% mental and 10% physical. I took his advice and went through that routine before every shot. I went from shooting in the 90's to shooting in the 70's in no time.

So what does this have to do with being successful? IT IS ALL IN THE MIND. I challenge you to start envisioning exactly what it is you are wanting to achieve, then put forth a little effort and I assure you it will be no time until your vision will become a reality.

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